Yet another journal?

 I take on far too much. 

I don’t know if I’m scared to have down time, or why I must fill every minute of my day with something, but whatever the reason, I’m currently stuck in a situation where it’s all become too much. 

Right now I am juggling:

Trying to keep a struggling 11yo business alive. 

Being Mom to an amazing, but gentle and impressionable 8yo daughter. 

Going through my degree in Medical Science.

Juggling a part time job to help the business and family get out of debt. 

I also have to squeeze in being a wife, owner of 5 ridiculous animals, and taking care of the family home. 

As supportive as my husband, family and close friends are, I still feel very lonely in dealing with the stress of it all and I’m also so tired of hearing myself think about all the obstacles and stressors I have to deal with on a daily basis so I’m hoping by using this outlet, I can get everything down and out of my head and find some peace  

Always welcome advice and suggestions on dealing with my ish too  as I know as lonely as it feels, I’m not the only one going through all of this right now.

Let’s see if I can keep this going for more than 2-4 posts before I let it die.

Wish me luck!
